We’ve added BuzziFold to our family.
Enhance your ceiling with our latest acoustic solution crafted from sustainable BuzziFelt material. Inspired by wavelengths, BuzziFold’s design effectively mitigates excessive noise while enhancing the overall look of your space.
The acoustic solution can be ceiling-suspended horizontally or vertically. The former permits BuzziFold to act as a classic baffle, while the latter can also help create visual privacy between workstations or various zones. BuzziFold arrives fully assembled, making it an easy-to-install acoustic solution. It’s easy to combine multiple BuzziFolds for a dynamic, one-of-a-kind space. Another alternative is to wall-mount the solution, which doubles as a conversation starter.
Your hybrid office should reflect your company’s way of working and should therefore include building blocks from both Softwork and Hardwork.
On top of fighting poor acoustics, these areas provide productive and comfortable spaces so students can thrive.
See how our solutions also create an acoustic getaway for their employees.